Lunch pack assembly.
Lunch pack assembly.
Lunch pack assembly.
Lunch pack assembly.
Lunch pack assembly.
Lunch pack assembly.
Lunch pack assembly.


INTRODUCTION LUNCH-PACKS support the energy and comfort levels required when undertaking specified actions. Foods are tested for taste, nutritional value, convenience in preparation, storage life, and microbiological safety. Containers for the foods and preparation techniques are also evaluated for durability, transportation and convenience. ITEMS dates / raisins / almonds / cashews / coconut block / chocolate /

Use for a break during sex that lasts
longer than 60 minutes.

CLIMB LUNCH-PACK ACTION: CLIMBING Tree climbing: for canopy resting and dozing.
DISASTER LUNCH-PACK ACTION: PREPARE Store packs in dry nooks and crannies, as part of disaster recovery plans.
DOWNHILL LUNCH-PACK ACTION: ROLL Roll downhill on anything with wheels: To be practised with friends.
PROTEST LUNCH-PACK ACTION: PROTEST Protest! Keep protesting! Don't stop Protesting.
HOLE LUNCH-PACK ACTION: DIG Dig a hole one day then fill it the next.
CONTEMPLATION LUNCH-PACK ACTION: CONTEMPLATE 'Being here, yet wishing you were there' and other contemplative moments spent on any concrete step.
DOGGYTOUR LUNCH-PACK ACTION: DOGGYTOUR Chelsea NY is the home of an incredibly diverse, influential dog population. The best time to Doggy tour is early evening
WALK LUNCH-PACK ACTION: WALK Take a walk along the waterside, keep going.
Lunch pack assembly.
Lunch pack assembly.
Lunch pack assembly.
Lunch pack assembly.


UNDERGROUND LUNCH-PACK ACTION: UNDERGROUND Use on the Subway, during stops feed the mice, rats and fellow passengers.
IT LUNCH-PACK ACTION: COMPUTER VIRUS Get hold of a computer virus, let it infect your system. Sit back, watch and snack.
TRAVEL LUNCH-PACK ACTION: TRAVEL Take the bus to Troy, look out the window.
LOST LUNCH-PACK ACTION: LOST Wonder aimlessly in an unknown high density urban sprawl for half a day.
ASCEND LUNCH-PACK ACTION: ASCEND Get up high look down at everything. Then look up at everything and try to get higher. Take regular breaks.
Lunch pack assembly.
Lunch pack assembly.
Lunch pack assembly.
Lunch pack assembly.
Lunch pack assembly.
Lunch pack assembly.
Lunch pack assembly.
Lunch pack assembly.
Lunch pack assembly.
Lunch pack assembly.
Lunch pack assembly.

Kayle Brandon and Heath Bunting.