Heath Bunting foodology.

Heath Buntings staple is RICE; a favourite breakfast is sprouted chick
peas, RICE and grilled tomato. A common supper is RICE, fruit and nuts.
All foods are preferably organic and meals simple in content.

During the cycle rides of the early 80s Bunting lived on pints of 
milk, cake, bread and jam.

Currently, Heath is very careful to eat four times daily. If this goal is
not achieved his daily life becomes unsustainable.

During his late twenties, he was a vegan for a while, now he eats meat and
is thinking about hunting for squirrel and fish.

When in the UK, he cooks all his food with spring water. Heath also eats pumpkin
seeds everyday to assist his aging and injured body.

Heath likes to have foods brought in bulk, sometimes he can be found
looking into the pantry admiring the stock.

Once a food, a source and way of preparing are found agreeable Bunting 
will use the same thing daily without divergence. This repetition acts as
pole position when planning his work schedule.

He always carries a knife and chopsticks for preparation and consumption
of food.

Kayle Brandon Foodology.

Kayle Brandon used to like cheap tinned industrialised mushy peas. I thought the green colouring was bad for her, so I brought her dozens of tins. She ate too many and hates them now. Whenever she has bad habits, like chocolate before bedtime, I try to buy her a bulk present, hoping she will develop a nauseous reaction. Kayle is a person of social habit: she is physically not addicted to any substance, but enjoys regular and social consumption. She likes to smoke before bed, ideally with a friend over a glass of wine. Kayle likes to develop eating habits with friends also. For instance, she likes to eat bacon, eggs and potatoes with me for an evening meal. She is quite anti-social when waking, therefore has no regular morning habits. When she cooks, she like to use all the ingredients in the kitchen and cook for many people. Kayle also likes to do big shops, mostly once a week. Kayle gets hangry when she forgets to eat.

Lunch Packs.

Lunch packs contain more than food ingredients: they contain the vision of use imagined by the packer for the user. My mother always made me a packed lunch thinking about how and where i would eat it. kayle makes me lunch packs with specific actions in mind. We first started to think seriously about food packs when we were crossing borders Borderxing food packs:

New York lunch packs: http://duo.irational.org/food_packs/